Thursday, December 5, 2013

Hypnosis is by far the best way to experience losing weight
Hypnosis is by far the best way to experience losing weight
Hypnosis is by far the best way to enter in to a weight loss management program. It has been proven to be more effective, sustaining and satisfying than a planned program for losing weight. With hypnosis you can achieve the best results with the small efforts to achieve your weight loss goals.

Most other programs require you to eat certain foods and have restricted diets that you have to mentally adapt to. These are prepared meals that taste bad that you have to convince yourself that it is just for a limited time and the taste bad and cravings are worth it.

You know deep down that diet programs do not work that Diets are all the same no different than all the other diets you have tried before diets just don't work It's just a horse of a different color, repackaged, new labels and the same card board taste.

You know you have to eat less to lose weight and exercise, that will have play a big part in this venture you are on to achieve and find the fountain of the slim body you deserve. The place where life takes on a whole new charm. As you are on this journey of life we are side tracked, like the Island of Sirens in mythology you pass by the sound of music you hear drawing you from your path to the island of pleasure and enjoyment. That path to a trim new you is all of the sudden met with shores full of tasty fat deserts and entrees that are forbidden but you are here now and gorge out on everything you are not supposed to eat and this time you weight even more.

The biggest problem with all these diet techniques and recipes is that you really, really want to lose the weight but your ability to have that mind change, that point where it is no longer just a want but it becomes a deep desire, even a sense of pleasure to do the things necessary to overcome your nemesis, food and flavor.

Hypnosis can bring you to a place where when you get up in the morning you are eager to face the day enjoying all those things that are helping you to enjoy your life now, the internal desire is gone to binge, you are free from those box lunches, you love drinking more water and you enjoy your exercise routine you love to get started.

You have a new Belief, Attitude and what you Value and it's effect on your behavior is helping you change. Hypnosis has helped your inner person feel the power to overcome obstacles that used to be in the way and you are in control of your life. Now your life has purpose and meaning those obstacles are gone from your life. You are beginning to see and feel the results and those around you are saying, "Holy cow you are looking good!" Your focused, you have new confidence and nothing can stand in your way. Hypnosis has become the path to better health, better relationships and a better you.

Jeff Martin and Devan Martin of Lincoln Hypnosis LLC have offices in both Lincoln and Omaha Nebraska / Council Bluffs IA.

They offer free screenings for weight loss, smoke cessation, stress relief, sports enhancement and more.

With their written service guarantee you have nothing to lose but weight and other bad habits. Call 402-502-9334 and also ask them about their new beta program using SKYPE.

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