Tuesday, January 21, 2014

An Organic Remedy For Fibroids - Exactly how to Eliminate Uterine Fibroids

An Organic Remedy For Fibroids - Exactly how to Eliminate Uterine Fibroids
After experiencing from progressively worsening symptoms over a variety of years, I decided to try at last to see if there was an organic remedy for fibroids which I could try before selecting exactly what I thought about the "therapy of last resort" - a hysterectomy.

When I first visited my physician regarding my expanding abdomen, fibroids were never even mentioned. Definitely he incompetently advised me that I had abdominal fatty tissue and that I should diet plan! Although I confess to being a little overweight, I wasn't obese and looking back now, the truth that I had fibroids should have been glaringly obvious. I was experiencing from anemia and breathlessness and my periods were truly hefty. I likewise had issues with distressing sex (although I didn't tell him that at the time).

By the time my fibroids were identified, an ultrasound examination revealed that I had one fibroid which was the size of a little cantaloupe, a variety of orange-sized ones and several smaller groups. As a matter of fact the radiologist stated that my abdomen looked like a 7 month pregnancy. As they were so big, I was provided no genuine therapy choices. I couldn't select the procedures which just reduced away fibroids or those which reduced individual fibroids by obstructing the capillary and reducing off the blood supply.

Sturdy hormonal therapy to obstruct off estrogen was suggested, which would temporarily reduce the fibroids complied with by a hysterectomy regarding 3 months later, depending upon the success of the therapy. At that time I asked if there was an organic remedy for fibroids, however the physician type of brushed off my request, stating that a hysterectomy was the very best choice and as far as he was concerned, he had only heard anecdotal evidence and could not suggest a method to naturally eliminate uterine fibroids.

I had severe reservations regarding surgical treatment. First of all, I was concerned regarding having such a major procedure with such a long recovery time. Likewise I was truly concerned that it would put me with an early menopause as although the physician promised to save my ovaries ideally, there was a possibility they would have to be removed and the shock to the body of the elimination of the uterus can sometimes bring on the menopause. Lastly, I was fretted regarding taking the medicine therapy to reduce the fibroids beforehand to make the surgical treatment safer-apparently these medicines can only be taken for a short time because they effectively bring on a temporary menopause with all the accompanying symptoms, such as hot flashes, drying, thinning vaginal tissues, facial wrinkles and long-term osteoporosis.

By the time my fibroids were identified, an ultrasound examination revealed that I had one fibroid which was the size of a little cantaloupe, a number of orange-sized ones and several smaller groups. I couldn't go for the procedures which just reduced away fibroids or those which reduced individual fibroids by obstructing the blood crafts and reducing off the blood supply.

I was fretted regarding taking the medicine therapy to reduce the fibroids beforehand to make the surgical treatment safer-apparently these medicines can only be taken for a short time because they effectively bring on a temporary menopause with all the accompanying symptoms, such as hot flashes, drying, thinning vaginal tissues, facial wrinkles and long term osteoporosis.

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