Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Good Effects of Anabolic Steroids

Good Effects of Anabolic Steroids

Good Effects of Steroids

Steroids are the synthetic molecules or testosterones that are originally derived from the testosterone hormone. There are lots of positive effects of steroids like for performance enhancement, medical benefits however their usage may lead towards the determinant side effects as well.

Identification and medical use

Steroids are generally derived from the naturally occurring hormones usually from the testosterone. These steroids have both the androgenic effects and anabolic effects for tissue development. The steroids are generally used for increasing bone density, promote the muscle growth and used in anemia doctors’ recommends the steroids use for stimulating the red blood cell production. Steroids are also helpful to cure the osteoporosis and to cure the waste of muscles. Steroids are considered very handy to promote the appetite and promote muscle growth for those patients having severe burns or cancer.

Quality of life

Steroids are also helpful to improve the quality of life with testosterone and with replacement therapy. The steroids are used for alleviate or reverse the hypogonadism effects due to which lower libido, depression, erectile dysfunction and loss of depression persists. Doctors use the steroids stanzolol for treating angioedema problem. This condition cause swelling of lips, face, skin and in the interior of the throat.

Sexual development

Steroids are extensively used for treating the gender identity disorders, testosterones are used in this regard. Doctors prescribed the testosterone steroids to promote deeper voice, masculine characters and other gender identity problems.


Steroids are famous in athletics and athletes use the steroids for enhancing their strength and endurance, the athletes are involved to improve their performance and give their maximum by using the steroids. As we know that steroids are involved to increase red blood cell concentration in blood so as a result the oxygen carrying capacity increased. However the governing professional sports bodies prohibits athletes to use the steroids for improving their performance artificially during sports competition.


Though there are many negative aspects are related with steroids, meanwhile various steroids and drugs having different benefits for health. The use of steroids in medical field is extensively seen and they are best to treat various kidney problems, asthma, Alzheimer’s and even used to treat cancer. Additionally the steroids of anabolic kinds are well known for their benefits of increased cell growth and increasing strength. Like any other drugs the steroids are dangerous when abused, causing various complexities and negative effects. In the world of medicine the steroids are used for curing cancer and muscle deteriorating diseases. They are also used for treating various hormonal imbalance problems in human bodies. Steroids are best to cure different inflammatory disease, for examples the corticosteroids are well known to cure lessen, inflammation and swelling problems. They are used to regulate the metabolic systems, used for reducing and controlling the tumors. On physiological level the steroids are used for strengthen the body, sexual drives and muscle growth. Steroids are renowned for the recovery rate promote muscles definition and also reduce the pain. They can be used for increasing the positive euphoric feelings, which can lead for increased confidence level.


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