Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Making Practical Sense OUT OF Auto Blogging

Making Practical Sense OUT OF Auto Blogging
Auto blogging is a great Seo breakthrough but most bloggers still find themselves questioning whether it is a good idea to use it or not. It is gaining popularity day by day however most people still do not know about it in detail. Following are a few things that should be kept in mind about auto blogging:

1. Duplicate content

Search engines rank websites and blogs on the uniqueness and freshness of their content. What auto blogging does is it takes content written by other people and produces a duplicate and more search engine friendly version of it so that a website or a blog can be ranked higher. It is slightly unethical and illegal in nature as it involves stealing someone’s work. You can be accused of copyright infringement if you are caught doing it. Search engines have gotten extremely smart these days and they can catch suspicious keyword placement in seconds. If that happens with you, your website or blog will be permanently banned from search engines by getting penalized.

2. Always research before believing

The globe is spherical and all information is shared amongst people. Even on internet, information on one topic is present on thousands of other websites. This will not make search engines impose penalties on those websites as one set of information cannot be exclusive to only one website. Penalties are imposed through analyzing the word usage, sentence formation and several other factors. It is highly recommended for bloggers to research on the subject before believing the stories told by others.

3. Do not be stupid

Some auto bloggers produce fifty blog posts each night and then complain when the search engines penalize their blogs. It is common sense that one person cannot just write these many blog posts on his own over a night and might have used auto blogging to make more money online.

If you want to use this technique, always keep control and consistency in mind otherwise you will be in loss. Produce a few posts each week through using this technique and then proofread your content and place the keywords naturally in them so that your post looks legitimate and unique. If you make it too obvious that you are cheating, you will definitely be caught.

You can also choose to give credit to the original authors of the content to ignore penalties. Likewise, you can also take permission from authors to use a duplicate version of their content on your website.

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